Binu B. Peniel & Rev. Dr. G Sobhanam
    FFRRC, Kottayam, KERALA, 2008
‘Premarital Content Comprehension Test’ is a set of statements related with concepts of premarital counselling. Indicate your statement regarding your opinion about each statement by encircling one of the five options given below. The options numbers 1-5 in ascending order i.e. 1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3. Not Sure 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree. Kindly be objective and answer questions freely and frankly. As many of these statements are very personal in nature, it is assured that your responses will be kept strictly confidential. Thank you. 

The answer Key: 1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3. Not Sure 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree

1.     Marriage does not represent the sign of the covenant love of God.
1          2          3         4          5
2.     Marriage is instituted by God to unite two lives in a deeper way
1          2          3         4         5
3.     Sacrificial love is not the most important aspect in marriage
1          2          3          4         5
4.     Within marriage there should be freedom to express and practice the belief of each partner            1          2          3          4          5
5.     Prayer, sacraments and religious rituals are not important for interpersonal relationship
1          2         3         4         5
6.     Personal relationship with God will helps the partner in the interpersonal relationship
1          2         3         4         5
7.     I am hesitant to seek the opinion of the partner in making plans which involves/affects both the partner.      1          2         3         4         5
8.     Man and Woman express love differently/The expression of love differs between partners           1         2         3         4         5
9.        In order to get out of a personal problem, marriage is the best solution  
        1        2         3          4         5
10.  Intimacy, affection and honesty are highly required aspects in marriage
1          2         3          4          5
11.  Personality differences does not depend on the family of origin.
1          2         3         4         5
12.  Married couples should seek professional help when they have serious marital problems 1      2         3         4         5
13.  Awareness of human anatomy is not important in partner’s relationship.
1          2          3          4         5
14.  Partners need to develop skills and confidence to discuss sex with one another
1          2          3         4         5
15.  At times I feel pressured to participate in the activities my partner enjoys.
1          2         3          4         5
16.  Sexual matters in the family of origin will influence my relationship with my partner.
1          2         3          4          5
17.  A psychological relationship outside of marriage is hazardous to marital satisfaction.
1          2         3         4          5
18.  Good physical health is not an important aspect for marital satisfaction.
1          2         3          4         5
19.  It is not good to discuss with your partner when/how many children you want.
1          2          3          4         5
20.  It is better to discuss with your partner about the contraceptives for birth control.
1          2         3         4          5
21.  Knowledge about natural family planning (NEP) is not important in marriage.
1          2          3          4          5
22.  Infertility is always a great issue in marriage. 1       2          3          4          5
23.  It is not good to discuss what you expect from one another in terms of parenting.
1          2          3          4          5
24.  The knowledge about the stages of human development of a child is important as long as parenting is concerned.          1          2          3          4         5
25.  In order to win an argument one must usually give up. 1     2         3          4         5
26.  Partners should have the freedom to express emotions such as; anger, frustration, irritability etc.                        1          2         3          4          5
27.  I find difficulty in saying sorry to my partner and asking for forgiveness.  
1          2          3          4          5
28.  When there is an interpersonal problem, silence is not the best treatment
1          2          3          4         5
29.  When a problem arises the partner should not be accused.
1          2         3         4         5
30.  Constructive conflict resolution skills are important for marital satisfaction
1          2         3         4         5
31.  Good communication skills are not required for maintaining an intimate  relationship
1          2          3         4          5
32.  Does your partner wait until you are finished talking before saying what he/she has to say              1          2          3          4          5
33.  My partner’s authoritative and dominating communicative patterns will not hurt me
1          2          3          4         5
34.  Partners need to develop non-verbal communication skills assigning the same meaning.
1          2          3          4         5
35.  Marriage in a realistic sense, can not be considered as a series of communication between husband and wife     1          2          3          4          5
36.  Words can be used like sharp arrows to pierce another’s self-confidence.

1          2         3          4          5
37.  The problem is the amount available not the attitude towards money.
1          2         3         4         5
38.  It is better to discuss about any major spending with your partner.
1          2         3         4         5
39.  It is always my money and your money not our money (same with debts.)
1          2         3         4         5
40.  Family budget is an important aspect for a healthy family
1          2         3         4         5
41.  Money saving is not important in married life
1          2         3         4         5
42.  Enough efforts should be taken to learn money management skills.
1          2         3         4         5
43.  Equality and sharing should not be considered as the most important principles
1          2         3          4         5
44.  Unity means there is no diversity      1          2         3          4          5
45.  Male headship is not different from male servant hood    1    2      3         4         5
46.  Interpersonal power is the ability to get the person thinking, feeling or doing something they would not have ordinarily done spontaneously.      1          2          3  4       5
47.  I am not satisfied with the defined responsibilities of raising children
1          2         3         4         5
48.  The arrival of children to both working couples is a tragic but well documented cause of divorce. 1     2         3         4         5
1-6 (Biblical and theological understanding), 6-12 (Psychological understanding), 13-18 (Physiological and sexuality), 19-24 (Parenting and Child rearing), 25-30 (Conflict Resolution), 31-36 (Communication Skills), 37-42, (Finance Management), and 43-48 (Distribution of roles).


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