The question of how to create your first blog and when is the best times to blog is important and if you search the internet you will have many videos and details answering the question of how and when to do it, but today I am interested here to deal with the question of why to blog. There is also many dangers in blogging. It can expose your personality, humility and vulnerability. You will be forced to tell your story and connect with your life and experience. It has no geographical boundaries. The dangerous part of blogging is it will help you grow.
Blog is also a platform where you can tell your story, your perspective and your passion. This can also be a location where you can create and publish your creative ideas, innovation and inspirations. Innovation and inspiration will not emerge quickly, it is time consuming and it requires your attention. Creativity needs a behavioral modification. Sometimes certain thoughts can come to your mind but not necessarily those are refined. When you write down your blogs you will refine your thoughts in a well presented format.

In the social media marketing world the relevance of blog still matters because it is a major source to drive traffic to your website. This is the reason why I encourage the ministerial students, pastors, missionaries and researchers to start blogging as part of your career development and personal brand development. Relationship is the key word in this generation. Writing your mind out will create a better way to connect with like minded persons. Again this is not restricted by any geographical framework. This will attract strangers and visitors and you could engage with them in conversations about faith, religion and believes. It creates lifetime friends and neighbors in the virtual world. This is also an intellectual investment keeping in mind the impact it will create in the future. The efforts you take today will turn to be your personal investment and views. It can also create profitability not only by leads to your E-books or becoming a published author but through many other engagements. In my personal experience 80% of the free traffic to my site comes not from the post of that week but from my previous post published earlier. It also brings generic traffic. My journey into self publishing, podcast, youtube, learning and other exposure begins with my blogging.
- Social network sharing- (Facebook, Twitter, pinterest, stumbleUpon, Digg, Google+, Instagram, Delicious, Bloglovi, etc.)
- Share through your personal newsletter and start creating an Email list.
- Simply ask other bloggers to share your blog.
- Create extra link to other websites (which will give the message to google and other search engine to identify your blog as a trustable link). One of the way to do that is through commenting on other bloggers who do similar topic of interest and share your link.
- Don't treat lightly the engagement through comment and likes. Please respond to each of them personally. A constant follow up on your blog is also very important.
In a nutshell why you need to start blogging because:
- It will give you a unique identity, online credential and branding.
- If you start with 500 words per week (for some it is 300 to 500 words per day) you will have 52 small articles which are reproducible materials as chapters in your future E-books, sermon, training, reference etc. I can give many examples of people started in that way and became best selling authors.
- This will help you identify as an author and eventually become a published author. Remember only few people in the world out of 7+ billion people publish something in their lifetime. You will be elected to the exclusive privileged group of contributors who make this world a better place.
- This is also a perfect platform online for any ministers of the gospel to be present themselves without being in the micro-blogging services like twitter, instagram, FB etc.
- A perfect platform to present your shortest version of your sermon and create a post-sermon celebration. This will help you to get feedback and comments from your listeners.
- A platform that will help you to see yourself from a global framework. I have personal visitors to my blog platform from 50+ countries in the world. I have traveled only to few of those 50 countries. This will give you a wider reach. You can take the whole Word to the whole world.
- It will help you learn new things. According to some data 172,800 blogs are created each day. That is two blog every second. It help you think clearer and write better.
- It help you to build your confidence as a public personality. You don't need any prior knowledge to start your blog. It helps you speak more coherently. Just like your spirit, soul, and body you also have a social personality today. That person needs confidence to live in this crowded noisy world.
- It can also help you find your money online. May not be though putting your content outside but by selling your books, E-book, speaking engagement and other means.
- It will help you to build audience, personally will discipline you as a writer and continues as an adult learner. It also help you build a credibility online. I will say you will have a global platform in this global village.
- It help you get published. I have read about an author who got rejected by the publisher for many years and then she got smart and self-published and within a year she sold over 300,000 books online. She developed her audience through her blog.
- It help you to sharpen your observation and help you to take ownership and create a opinion of your own.
- It makes you happy, having inspired, helped, saved, motivated and influenced many people during this journey. It also helps you create a lasting impact and legacy in this world.
Copyright (C) Binu Peniel 2017
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