Contagious Christian Leadership
Global political, religious and social leadership is in crisis. We are living in a disruptive age. The old is going away but new is emerging and we need to make sense of the new. No one is happy. Britishers are struggling to leave the EU. USA is struggling between optimism in the economy and pessimism in the foreign affairs and becoming increasingly facing isolationism protecting America First policy in the global platform. In this context how will we deal with the climate change, conflict resolution, multilateral trade deals etc. If the USA is going to abandon its long-standing role as moral leader of the free world, liberal ideologies, who is going to step into take its place? I am sure not UK, EU, China, Russia, Germany or Japan. In the global platform we need to build resilient, cohesive and stable societies; on the benefits of globalization and free trade; on the importance of having continuity and technical competence in government and social sectors. Self centeredness, conservative ideologies and belief systems are creeping ideal into everyday religious leadership. In this information age there is not space for bureaucracy. It is all about openness, candor, radical feedback, vulnerability and transparency. This is a season for mindshift because one's mindset is everything. As a leader we need to provide the vision and all your teams to figure the way out.
If you want to inspire, produce better results, develop more leaders, change, you need to associate with contagious leaders. There was an old question: is the glass half empty or half full. It is often viewed from different perspectives. Recently I was talking about the difference between Indian education system and western education system. India produces the best tiles not the best walls. There is big difference between contained leadership and contagious leadership. Contained leadership is inner focused and contagious leadership is outer focused. Contained leadership stay on the spot-light, follow the rules for the sake of leadership but not willing to change the rules. Create a box and create all the rules and just jump inside and struggle to get out. Are you willing to adapt to the new rules? Focus on the weakness then you are in a different category which is called contagious leadership, which focus on the strength and control the communication/ open or share the communication.
God has called everyone for greatness and leadership. Do you believe in your success or do you believe in your failure. What is your inner voice? Do you look for leadership in the mirror or everywhere else? Are you learning to lead? Leadership is a learned skill. There are two kind of people in the world. One group knows that they are leaders and others are not leading. It takes courage to try new things. Steps to change are often painful and filled with fear and uncertainty. The function of leadership is to create more leaders. Some of the qualities of a contagious leadership are to stop procrastination, be authentic, have the passion and purpose, desperation for success and centered on results.
Contagious leadership is different from toxic leadership. Toxic leadership is a combination of self-centered attitudes, motivations, and behaviors that have adverse effects on subordinates, the organization, the church and mission performance. The contagious leadership or leaders has concern for others and the climate of the organization, which leads to short- and long-term positive effects. Contagious Leadership helps prepare to lead and be better leaders, in other words they are willing to learn. No one is ready to work with or fall victim to a leader's trial and error version of learning. There are only two fundamental way to deal with people who are jealous about you. Set your expectation high or set your expectation low.
Every organization want people who will stay longer, complain less, and produce more, and help the organization to develop their own skills in the area of communication, coaching, recognition, expectations, the making of mistakes, and the sharing of respect with those you lead. Let’s be honest about the people that we work with. People don’t go into ministry or any profession for the money alone. And the ones who do (typically) don’t make it a success. They will often complain about it. It’s just too much work. The demands are constant, and the hours are long. People go into ministry or a profession because they are called and they have a passion. They understand the need of the mission and their place in it. But just because someone is called into ministry also doesn’t mean they’re called to be a part of any church/mission organization etc.
Contagious leaders are comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty. We need to get use the ambiguity of working with people who know how to figure it out and who don't need to figure it out and who don't need much instruction.
In leadership there is something called trickle-down effect of Good or bad leadership. This is also can be called as communal effect or collective intelligence. The job of leadership is to invite others to their greatness. It takes faith to land on mars, and the courage to press the launch button on the spaceship. God has a purpose for your pain/ suffering or growth. There is a reason for your struggle and a reward for your faithfulness, and God is still writing your story, so do not let go of your faith, courage, strength because of what you have seen is less to what you are yet to see. God approved of you before even anybody else ever got a chance to disapprove. Fill your mind with God's promises and you will have no room for self doubts and lies. Remember winners never quit, and quitters never win!!! The Word of God says: “But GOD’s not finished. He’s waiting around to be gracious to you. He’s gathering strength to show mercy to you. GOD takes the time to do everything right—everything. Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones.” (Isaiah 30: 18 MSG).
I personally believe the future still depends and secure in the hand of great leaders who can constantly re-invent themselves in the process of change. Think the unthinkable and it is happening routinely and we must be ready to respond. Contagious christian leaders are the best in existence to think the unthinkable but they are called with the different language "Miracle". In other words thinking the unpalatable. If you are with Jesus you are naturally in this category because Jesus has the potential to change the orders of the nature. Miracle is also part of the natures order if you believe it or not. Think the unthinkable in the unpredictable and fast changing world. Be a contagious christian leader.
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